Arken törsdäi as üüs bjarnekonsuläntin in dåt nai hüs foon Risem Schölj, weer bjarne eefter e schölj spaale än ja beweege koone. Am e klook 15.00 gungt et lüüs bit tu e klook 17.00.
Biike hoow önj Risem
Saandi, di 23. februar am e klook 11.00 lååsie Friisk Foriining än e schörkegemiinde tu en hoow aw frach
Frasch drååwen aw Hålilönj
Foon e 23.- 25. moi jeeft et wi en frasch drååwen foon da trii Fraschlönje aw HÅLlLÖNJ.
Biikeemfång foon e Frasche Rädj
Di 16. önj e biikemoune lååsid e Frasche Rädj tu e biikeemfång önj e Nordseeakademie.
Lasmootefersoomling 2025
E Friisk Foriining lååsit hartlik tu e lasmootefersoomling än täisdi, di 3. önj e gjarsmoune am e klook soowen aw ”Fraschlönj” önj Risem, Toorpstr. 95.
36. Friisk Harfsthuuchschölj
Foon e 30. önj e stormmoune – 2. önj e mistmoune lååsid e Friisk Foriining uk jarling wi tu en harfsthuuchschölj, weer e frasche spräke önj e fokus stoont.
Madelålerlik driwen önj Naibel
E frasche madelålerferiin Frisia Historica lååsit fort waagiinje foon e 20. bit 22. juuni tut nü ål åchte tooch tu sin „madelålerlik driwen“ bai e bååsewäil önj Naibel in.
Dåt kamt
Kalender von Forheewen
M mo
D tä
M we
D tö
F fr
S sa
S sa
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
1 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
1 Forheewen,
Biikeemfång foon e Frasche Rädj
Biikeemfång foon e Frasche Rädj
Di 16. önj e biikemoune lååsid e Frasche Rädj tu e biikeemfång önj e Nordseeakademie.
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
1 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
1 Forheewen,
Biike hoow önj Risem
Biike hoow önj Risem
Saandi, di 23. februar am e klook 11.00 lååsie Friisk Foriining än e schörkegemiinde tu en hoow aw frach
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
0 Forheewen,
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
Hark iinjsen
Di frasche podcast for enarken wat hål frasch hiire wal.
Böke än Tidschrafte
14. oktoober: Harfstütfluch tu e kultuurstatjoon Toolhüsinge
Harfstütfluch tu e kultuurstatjoon Toolhüsinge E Friisk Foriining lååsit da ålere lasmoote in for weensdi, di 14. oktoober, tu en ütfluch eefter Roornees tu e „Kulturstation Zollhäuser“, en tsäntrum for…
Das schönste nordfriesische Wort des Jahres ist: ?trinambai?
BREDSTEDT (NfI). ?Trinambai? ist das schönste nordfriesische Wort 2009, darauf konnte sich die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sprache und Literatur des Nordfriisk Instituut auf ihrem jüngsten Treffen recht schnell einigen. Das lag jedoch…
13.-18.10.: 70 Jugendliche aus Europa und Zentralasien auf Föhr
Klaar Kiming – Minorities and the Challenge of Change 70 Jugendliche aus Europa und Zentralasien diskutieren auf der Insel Föhr über den Klimawandel Vom 13. bis 18.10.2009 organisiert die nordfriesische…